
Dayketing, a strategy to grow your sales!

As a brand, it is very likely that you have specific dates marked on your calendar throughout the year in which you know there is a massive increase in consumption, and that you want to take advantage of to connect more with your customer and of course, increase your sales.

A great example of this is Mother’s Day. This is one of the most important dates of the year, because consumers strive to pamper, honor, please mom for her unconditional love and it is also a great opportunity to promote a campaign that not only allows you to achieve an important peak in sales. , but also gives you the opportunity to communicate your values ​​and generate engagement.

And this is where Dayketing (day + marketing) comes in, a marketing strategy linked to special dates that aims to increase sales, transmit brand values ​​and connect with potential customers.

The key for this strategy to be successful is to integrate your communication and the values ​​of your brand with the context / sentiment behind that special date.

Here are some guidelines that you should take into account to achieve an effective dayketing strategy:

  1. Identify and make a list of the most relevant commemorative dates for the socio-cultural environment in which you work.
  2. Study the feelings associated with those important dates.
  3. Define a strategic communication plan that highlights, implicitly, the feelings you identified.
  4. Strategically define your promotional campaign taking your ideal client into account.
  5. Be creative and original.

And finally, do not abuse the benefits of dayketing, practicing it every day, will end up stealing all the magic.

We hope that this post can serve as inspiration to develop effective campaigns on the important upcoming dates.
