

Personal Branding

What is it?

We all have a personal brand, the difference is in how you manage it. Let’s consistently highlight those values and experiences that make you unique, and make them your competitive advantage.

What are you waiting for to tell the world who you are and what you are the best at?

Who is it for?

  • To independent professionals seeking to position themselves as experts in their industry.


  • Logo in editable format with its different applications.
  • Logo user manual.
  • Graphic line (color palette + typography + graphic elements).
  • 5 final arts (can be business cards, PPT template, template for RRSS, mail signature, stamped sheets).
  • Elevator Pitch (description of who you are and what you do in an inspiring and short way).
  • Digital Content Strategy (definition of tone, voice and look & feel of the brand, as well as its communication axes and recommendations for social networks).



Delivery time: 3 weeks.

Our work procedure:

1. You purchase your item.
2. You fill the briefing, which will allow us to get closer to you and understand your needs.
3. We arrange a meeting with you to go deeper into the brief and align our understandings with your expectations.
4. We show you our proposals presentation.
5. We deliver the final project.
