
Why build a brand with a purpose?

In this new era, consumers are focusing not only on acquiring a product or service, but rather, that the brand they buy from is in line with their beliefs and values, with what they believe in, that connects with your feelings. That is, consumers seek added value, focusing on the needs that the brand can satisfy, rather than the product itself, in short, they seek brands with a defined and clear purpose.

This is why more and more brands are becoming interested in knowing their “Why”, that reason for being that makes them unique, that solves problems, that positively impacts the lives of their consumers and they are looking beyond just selling. of a product or service.

We can see this in brands like Apple, Ikea, Google, Dove, among many more, that have found and clearly defined their purpose. To be more specific, in the case of Dove, it is a brand that for some time has oriented its actions around its purpose, that of “boosting the self-esteem of the women of the world” firmly believing that all women are beautiful without import your imperfections, managing to transcend and connect much more with your target audience.

It is important to clarify that the purpose of the company, marketing with cause and corporate social responsibility are different terms, although they go very hand in hand and are often confused. The purpose of the brand differs from the other two because it constitutes the DNA of the company, that which gives it a real position and the difference from others in society, the thinking around which all business decisions will revolve; it is the “why” of the company’s doing.

A brand with purpose is characterized by:

  1. Have a panoramic and deep vision of your micro and macro environment.
  2. Exercise responsible leadership, focused on people rather than results.
  3. Its culture of proactivity.
  4. Its capacity for innovation, to constantly reinvent itself, always keeping in mind its reason for being.
  5. The connection with your stakeholders.
  6. Its commitment to the environment, which is reflected in the alliances it makes with other brands that share the same values, which allows it to create a solid image that generates tangible results.

For this reason, if you want to develop a solid, meaningful brand that transcends time, you must start by defining its purpose. And we ask you, what is your why? Why do you sell what you sell? Why do you do what you do?
